As one of only three official CHANEL manicurists in the world, Jocelyn Petroni always knows how to put her best foot hand forward. Bad nail day? No such thing! If the pressure of being one of the most celebrated beauty artisans in the world wasn’t enough to have you looking your very best, the title of one Australia’s leading beauty therapists would certainly do the job. As the queen of bespoke facials and beauty treatments, Jocelyn’s little black book of clientele includes celebrities, supermodels and fashion darlings who line up to experience her cutting edge and innovative treatments. From Miranda Kerr to Gemma Ward, the crème de la crème of the fashion industry will happily wait to experience Jocelyn’s decedent and personalised treatments.
When it comes to work and travel, no LOVE TWAIN Sydney trip is complete without a visit to the flagship Woollahra salon. Because when you experience a Petroni treatment, you know you are doing something good not only for your skin but also for your mind, body and soul. Not to rely solely on cutting edge technology, Petroni uses a holistic approach to all skincare combining classically proven remedies with all her bespoke treatments. Tea on arrival, you can count on it.